This is the official site of the Atlantic Society of Obstetricians & Gynecologists (ASOG). The web-site exists to serve its members throughout Atlantic Canada. Our Annual Meeting is held in the Fall of each year, with the venue rotating through each of the Atlantic Provinces. The purpose of the ASOG is to maintain and uphold the highest standards of practice amongst its members.
The Scientific Program at the Annual Meeting draws speakers from the membership as well as from leading authorities nationally and internationally. The Social Program also allows members to discuss issues of common interest in a more relaxed setting. We find out from colleagues what issues are important in their communities. As a result of changes in the By-Laws at the 2014 meeting, all member and non-members alike (except Residents) shall pay Registration Fees for the Annual Meeting.
The purpose of this Web-site is to provide up-to-date information regarding the Annual Meeting. Also, presentations from prior meetings are available on the site for those members who are unable to attend the meeting.
Payment for Annual Membership Dues and for Meeting Registration may be made at the time of the meeting, as well as prior to the meeting. For the time being, your membership and registration forms will still need to be printed, filled in and then sent by fax or mail. Social events form must also be printed, filled in and mailed or faxed, then payment can be sent by mail or be paid at the time of the meeting.
We now have a Facebook Page, currently in its early stages of development. We welcome any ideas you may have as to how this might help our Society. Kindly address any additions you would like to see to the email address below.
Our documents and presentations are rendered in Adobe PDF format. If you do not have the Reader installed on your computer you can download it from Adobe by clicking here.
[email protected]
The Scientific Program at the Annual Meeting draws speakers from the membership as well as from leading authorities nationally and internationally. The Social Program also allows members to discuss issues of common interest in a more relaxed setting. We find out from colleagues what issues are important in their communities. As a result of changes in the By-Laws at the 2014 meeting, all member and non-members alike (except Residents) shall pay Registration Fees for the Annual Meeting.
The purpose of this Web-site is to provide up-to-date information regarding the Annual Meeting. Also, presentations from prior meetings are available on the site for those members who are unable to attend the meeting.
Payment for Annual Membership Dues and for Meeting Registration may be made at the time of the meeting, as well as prior to the meeting. For the time being, your membership and registration forms will still need to be printed, filled in and then sent by fax or mail. Social events form must also be printed, filled in and mailed or faxed, then payment can be sent by mail or be paid at the time of the meeting.
We now have a Facebook Page, currently in its early stages of development. We welcome any ideas you may have as to how this might help our Society. Kindly address any additions you would like to see to the email address below.
Our documents and presentations are rendered in Adobe PDF format. If you do not have the Reader installed on your computer you can download it from Adobe by clicking here.
[email protected]